Your air conditioner does more than keep your Ridgeland, MS, home cool and comfortable. The cool air that it pumps into your home first passes through a filter that removes, dirt, dust, pollen, biological growth and pet dander, which is important because indoor air is usually far more polluted than outdoor air. Let’s look at how improving the air quality inside your home can protect everyone who lives there.

Eye, Nose and Throat Irritation

Many of the pollutants that the filters in air conditioning systems remove are allergens like dust and pet dander. Breathing air that contains allergens can lead to watery eyes, a scratchy throat and a runny nose. Dirty indoor air often leads to cold-like symptoms. If these persist, consider the possibility of poor IAQ. Remember to change your AC system’s filter every 30-90 days or more often if you have pets.

Breathing Problems

Prolonged exposure to indoor air pollutants can cause serious respiratory issues or worsen existing conditions. When tiny particles of dust or other contaminants get into the lungs, they irritate airways. As a result, they make breathing much more difficult. You can protect yourself against pollutants that could cause respiratory problems by having your indoor air quality checked.

Cognitive Issues

Scientists have discovered that inhaling particles with diameters of 2.5 micrometers or smaller can cause cognitive impairment and slow response times. The researchers noticed that a particle level increase of 10 micrograms per cubic meter of air led to a fall in cognitive response times of about 1%.

Having your air conditioner maintained by professionals could improve the air quality inside your home and protect your household from potentially serious health issues. Call our team at Modern Air for expert air conditioning repair. We’ve been keeping Ridgeland, MS, residents cool and comfortable since 1969, and our HVAC experts are standing by to help you.

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